26 Best Gingerbread House Ideas 2023
Table Of Content Best Meal Prep Recipes Want Even More Recipes? Designer Chocolate Cookie House Use the Christmas colors You could also add some rosemary twigs as your trees too to give it a real life illusion. Be it your own or someone else’s, you don’t have to stick to the gingerbread house rules. You can do this by baking and decorating some characters to add onto your house. Whether it’s decorating one by yourself or decorating one with your significant other. “Go big or go home” might as well be the motto of Asbjørg Nesje, whose family gingerbread house-making tradition is grand, to say the least. The construction is similar to building an actual house from scratch. Best Meal Prep Recipes You can also add Christmas trees by coating an ice cream cone in green icing and creating some texture, then adding it upside down to your base. It also has a brick effect on the chimneys created by pipping rectangles and a tile effect on the roof created by pipping squiggles. This ging...